Sunday, August 16, 2009

I'm Afraid

SO I guess the experiment worked, I'm keeping my lease, and preparing to move at this moment!

I didn't get a job...YET..but this week might change for me, I'll be hearing about New York and have two interviews lined up. As well all my apps from last week.

Some Homer style 'DoH' moments during my InStyle internship interview:

Interviewer: So you will be getting people's lunches...
Me: Will I have to drive because you know gas is expensive.
I: No, you can just run across the street to subway.

Too arrogant.

Next I wrote a follow-up letter using the whole time a different name then the interviewer's. A second later I apologized for calling her someone's else's name.

Lesson: Though I read the letter three times, I didn't read her e-mail address to get her "real" name." A slap on the hand by a nun to me.

I doubt I landed that one.

I'm really hard on myself as you can see, and I'm angry, scared, and hurt, and all these mixed emotions....because I'm leaving...I'M LEAVING HOME

Shout out to In-N-Out

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Graduated Cum Laud from UCLA in 09. Kinda went crazy...but love it. Aspiring Producer/Writer and lover of all things beautiful. BTW some social anxiety and depression never helps.