Friday, July 10, 2009

This is where it all got screwed up.

Playing a game of SceneIt Disney, we came across the British Lindsey Lohan in The Parent Trap. Automatically my friend says, "That's where it all went downhill, you know..when she started doing coke."

It all starts somewhere.

Think of me as Snow White, up on the castles of Westwood, Powell Library, Royce Hall...perfection..yes it was. More stories to come from that period, and in the spirit of Disney I have obtained the seven stages of occupational dwarfism,in which I will try successfully to stretch into the current condition having to graduate college has left me.

First one.
Happy. Look at my face.

So happy..and joyous...

...(probably 70% moved back home with their parents).

That's all good, sometimes some home lovin' is all you need to find a job. However, these friends are bound to ruin any hope...I mean all hope son...

Sneezy: Hungover, headaches, some form of illness is a good procrastination tool.
Grumpy: "Not feeling like it today, Dad. Now get me my food"
Bashful: I'm not worthy!
Sleepy: Its 1 pm. I need another nap. After 3pm.I can't move.
Doc: Short for Documents. That means applications, cover letters, writing samples, and the all inclusive resume. Remember keep it to a one page maximum and highlight why they need your qualifications.

:At some point you just might need a release.

"Poisonous" apple? She knew it, she had a choice dammit.

Maybe she was just trying to escape the reality of getting a real job.

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Graduated Cum Laud from UCLA in 09. Kinda went crazy...but love it. Aspiring Producer/Writer and lover of all things beautiful. BTW some social anxiety and depression never helps.