Monday, July 20, 2009

sOB.SESSION sucks.
Things are becoming monotonous. Again nothing exciting. When you've reached this stage of depression, usually these are your thoughts:

No answer about jobs="I am a worthless piece of shit who is better off dead"

Sending and Answering the same job listings to no avail= "You should have been a nurse."

How does anyone survive a time like this? I guess the loneliness is the hardest part, it's like who do you talk too when everyone's gone throughout the day. Which leads to a special topic of mine. LOVE...or EVOL (pronounced ee-vuhl)..or better yet obsession. When theirs nothing happening in one's life career wise, then its EVOL we start concentrating on. Its nature. Nature is truly a bitch who hates women.

Lots of ladies obsess about the man of their dreams, but its an eerie fact that many girls go through a phase where one small hint of someone possibly (I mean possibly) liking you sets off a series of events where one is likely too...

-Start thinking about future events, conversations, and possible wedding plans.
-Aimlessly check your phone after he texted you only once. You respond. Then-NOTHING!
-Facebook stalk (everyone's fave right?)
-Can't sleep
-Start listening to The Fray or Coldplay
-Instead of going menstrual once a month, you go menstrual every other day. An emotional roller coaster of ups and downs, ups and downs..check your phone-NOTHING!
-Start writing a blog about such obsession. it got me wondering on how obsession comes to play and some academic evidence points to my opinion is some mild form of OCD a woman forms after meeting specimen handsome.

More on that later.

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Graduated Cum Laud from UCLA in 09. Kinda went crazy...but love it. Aspiring Producer/Writer and lover of all things beautiful. BTW some social anxiety and depression never helps.